Sunday, June 30, 2013

Who killed Wilden? The prime suspects and clues!

Secrets are finally coming out and theories are being formed about what happened to douche bag Wilden (not that anyone really cares, right?)

Here are my top 3 suspects and why!

As of right now, Ashley Marin looks like prime suspect #1. 
1. There were high heel foot prints around where Wilden's body was found. In 402, Hanna finds Ashley's favorite high heels covered in mud, completely ruined, under the sink in bag.
2. In 403, Ashley tells Hanna that on the last day of her business trip they all went to a broadway show. Later in Ashley's office, Hanna finds a card to some flowers on Ashley's desk in the trash. It says something along the lines of, you didn't miss anything Friday, the show was boring, or something like that. Basically, Ashley wasn't at the show, the night of the murder. 
3. Caleb learns from Mr. Marin in 403 that Ashley came to him asking for money. She left before he could answer. Later, Mr. Marin discovers his gun is missing from his desk. Wilden was killed by gunshot. 
Ashley, it's not looking good for you right now! Especially because this woman has all the motive in the world: protecting Hanna. She was brave enough to run over Wilden in season 3, so would she be willing to try to kill him again?

Suspect #2 is Caleb, thanks to one of my subscribers for pointing out this to me!
Why would perfect Caleb be a killer? 
1. Caleb was out of town the past couple of episodes and he was absent in the finale. So was he really visiting his aunt, or was he taking care of business to protect his girlfriend?
2. We know that he owns a gun thanks to season 3a finale.
3. When he was talking to Hanna in 403, he tells her "Hanna, your mom didn't do it." So does he know who really did, or is this some kind of confession?

And last, # 3 is Jason.

The only "evidence" we have on him is that he has been missing for quite some time now. And he disappeared right after he found out about Ali's relationship and possible pregnancy with Wilden. Did Big Bro go ham on his little sister's predator? We know that Jason loved Ali, despite their bad relationship. I'm thinking Jason went to go seek revenge. Or he went to go confront him and things went south and somehow Wilden was accidentally killed and now he's hiding fixing Grandma D's house. I don't know. 

Who do you think killed Wilden? Answer the poll!


  1. I honestly have thought Caleb has something to do with A for a while now, now Wilden is dead I think there is even more suspicion around him. I love Caleb, I really hope he isn't an A team member but we know he can hack computers, that happens a lot in the programme, he disappears randomly, we know the focus will be on Hanna this series. I don't really see many theories about him though!

  2. I think CeCe murdered Wilden. according to mona the cops say that where Wilden's body was found they see women foot prints , she then says like the shoes Ali used to wear, who's like Ali. CeCe.???!!!
